Software Presentation Video

Holistic Progress Card and CBSE Report Card Software for 2024-25 (As per new CBSE Guidelines)

We have developed JAVA based desktop Holistic Progress Card and Report Card Software according to new CBSE Guidelines. Our software is very user friendly. At a same time all users can access the software from anywhere within school at offline basis. On internet users can securely access the software from any computer, laptop or mobiles outside the school.

In a Software, we provide you Holistic Progress Card scheme for Class Nursery to 3rd and CBSE Report Card scheme for Class 4 to 12th

Advantage : Our software install at your own school's computer, so no need to worry about data misuses or service discontinuations compare to cloud based softwares where these risks can arise anytime.

For Video demo of our software Click Here ->

Holistic Progress Card and CBSE Report Card Software for 2024-25

Holastic Progress Card Design for class Nursery to 3

Our software is user friendly. We will provide you ready to use software with your student data and exam plan. So no special knowledge is required to use the software.

Just fill the marks and information in our software and then in one click the software will generate "Holistic Progress Card" and "CBSE Report Card" PDF of all students of the class as per your design.

HPC Page-1

holistic progress card 2024-25

HPC Page-2

holistic progress card 2024-25

HPC Page-3

holistic progress card 2024-25

HPC Page-4

holistic progress card 2024-25

Report Card Design for class 4 to 8 as per New Exam Scheme

Double Side Front Design

cbse report card 2024-25

Double Side Back Design

cbse report card 2024-25

Single Page Report Card Design

cbse report card 2024-25

Report Card Design for class 9 as per New Exam Scheme

Double Side Front Design

cbse report card 2024-25

Double Side Back Design

cbse report card 2024-25

Single Page Report Card Design

cbse report card 2024-25

Report Card Design for class 11 as per New Exam Scheme

Double Side Front Design

cbse report card 2024-25

Double Side Back Design

cbse report card 2024-25

Single Page Report Card Design

cbse report card 2024-25

Modules Covered by CBSE Academic & Report Card Software

  • Manage Student Profile (Add, Edit, Delete, Print, Excel List)
  • Add Multiple Students Record via Excel
  • Update all Students Acadmic Photos with Single Mouse Click
  • Manage All Students House (Add, Edit, Delete)
  • Manage All Students Academic Roll No
  • Manage Sibling Students Record (Add, Edit, Delete, Print)
  • Manage Students Disease, Activites and Foods (Add, Edit, Delete, Print)
  • Manage "Transfer Certificate (T.C.)" and Print T.C. in CBSE Format
  • Manage "Name Stuck Off (N.S.O.)"
  • Manage "Character Certificate" (Add, Edit, Delete, Print)
  • Manage "Bonafied Certificate" (Add, Edit, Delete, Print)
  • Manage "Caution Money Refund Slip" (Add, Edit, Delete, Print)
  • Manage "Student Promotion"
  • Search Student Record
  • Download Various Reports : -
    (a) New Student Admission List
    (b) Academic Year Wise Student Enrollment Overview (General, SC, ST, OBC, Girls and Boys wise)
    (c) Exam Marks List Print Format
    (d) All Student Academic Year wise Complate Details
    (e) All Girls Details
    (f) Student Disease List
    (g) Admission Form Confirmation Latter
    (h) Class10 & 12 Students CBSE Registration Detail Check Latter
    & More .........

  • Manage Staff Profile (Add, Edit, Delete, Print, Excel List)
  • Add Multiple Staff Record via Excel
  • Update all Staff Photos with Single Mouse Click
  • Assign the Classes to Class Teacher for Login Rights
  • Assign the Class wise Subects to Teacher for Login Rights

  • Manage Scholastic Area Marks (PA1, PA2, Half Yearly, Yearly Exam wise Marks Add, Edit)
  • Manage Co-Scholastic Area Marks and Grade
  • Manage Student Attendance to print in Report Card and T.C.
  • Manage Student Health Status (If available in Exam Scheme)
  • Manage Student General Remarks (If available in Exam Scheme)
  • Update the marks with direct software "Enter Marks" button or download the excel format
  • Print "Exam Admission Latter" of Students
  • Manage the Fail Students Re-exam Marks and Reports
For understand it : See the Teacher Marks Entry Video

  • With one Mouse Click Print Exam & Term Wise All Students Reports for PTM
  • With one Mouse Click Print "Final Report Cards" of Class wise All Students
  • Exam & Term Wise Reports for Students Result Comparison ( Percentage %, Rank, Graph, Pass, Fail and Supplementry )
  • Subject Wise Reports for Students Result for Teacher Performance
  • For Class-10, Co-Scholastic data for CBSE submission
  • Consolidated Reports and Graph
  • Result Register

  • Manage Books Category, Author, Publisger, Racks, Shelf, Fine Charges (Add, Edit, Delete, Print)
  • Multiple Book Records Add Via Excel
  • Add Book Issue Records
  • Manage Book Issue & Return List
  • For Library Automation Print QR Code Lable for Book Pasting
  • Auto SMS Facility at a time of Book Issue & Return

  • Manage Login of Teachers and Staffs (Add, Edit, Delete)
  • Assign Rights to Teachers and Staffs

  • Manage Academic Year Section in Class (Add, Edit, Delete)
  • Manage Academic Year Holidays (Add, Edit, Delete)

  • Create Class wise Test
  • After the Test Update the marks of Test
  • Option to Send the SMS of Class Test Marks

  • Send SMS to Students of Whole Class or Selcted Students of Class
    (Note : You need to purchase the SMS packages before use this)
  • Send SMS to Staff
    (Note : You need to purchase the SMS packages before use this)

  • Add the Registration Recod of New Students
  • Print the Receipt of Registration Fee and Form Fee
  • Option to send automatic SMS after the Registration Confirm
  • Manage the All Registration Student List (Edit, Delete)
  • Manage the "Provisional Admission" of Already Regdtered Students
  • Confirm the "Final Admission" of Already Regdtered Students

  • Add any types of Fee e.g. : Duplicate T.C. Fee, Certificate Fee, Duplicate Report Card Issue Fee etc.
  • Print the Receipt of Miscellaneous Fee

  • Add the Records Visitors
  • Print the Date wise Visitors List

If you want Attendance Automation System then you can use this Management. For this You will need the I.D. card printed by us.

  • Scan the ID card Student and Staff Attendance Automatic save
  • After the Attendance send the SMS to parents about Absent Student, Present Student or Both) (Note: SMS package cost will be extra)
  • You can take both School In and Out attendance of Students and Staffs
  • Monthly Attendance Report of "Students" with Present, Absent, Half Day, Leave, Holiday
  • Monthly Attendance Report of "Staff" with Present, Absent, Half Day, Leave, Holiday

If you want School own Digital Diary Android App then App's following features will automatic update :

  • Students all Academic Data will automatic update
  • Students Exam wise Complete Marks Report will automatic update
  • Students Subject wise and Overall Graphical Performance will automatic update
  • Students Attendance will automatic update (If you choose the attendance option)
  • Student Class Test Marks will automatic update
  • Holiday List will automatic update

Academic Management with Report Card Software

About the software

  • It is a new pattern RESULT PROCESSING SYSTEM as per CBSE Guidelines.
  • Available in Online and Offline both version
  • Offline version is a java based desktop software. In this version, No need of Internet. At a same time all users can access the software from all the networking computers within school premises.
  • Online version is also java based software. In this version, Internet Connection is require. Through internet users can securely access the software from any computer, laptop or mobiles inside and outside of the school.
  • In Offline version, Software install at your own school's computer, so no need to worry about data misuses or service discontinuations compare to cloud based software where these risks can arise anytime.
  • If you want, we can customized our software as per your requirement of examination scheme.
  • The entire process of report card preparation is reduced to a few mouse clicks. Report cards can be printed on prescribed CBSE format with school logo and student photo.
  • We all know, preparing a CBSE RESULT, whether it is for terminal exams or final, is very time taking, focused and responsible job, not for teachers but for the school too, especially to declare an error free report in every respect.

    Our Software not only gives you an accurate and perfect, instead prepares result, keeping all parameters of SCHOLASTIC and CO-SCHOLASTIC areas into consideration as laid down by the CBSE BOARD.

  • All users have different rights can be assigned in software. For every teachers, automatically role assign according to their classes and after login in they just update the student obtain marks of exams and after that all necessary reports automatically generate.

Why this Software

  • It is not only a Report Card but also your complete Academic Management Software.
  • Just fill the obtain marks in our software and after that all marks calculation and grade conversion automatically done. So it is eliminate the all types of manual calculations mistake and reduced work lord of teacher's.
  • In our software, with one click class wise all types of necessary result and reports generated.
  • According to New CBSE report card guideline, with one click class wise all students Report Card generated and Ready for print on normal paper, latterhead or any paper that you use for report card.
  • Very user frendly and cost effective software comes with both online and offline connectivity.
  • Software linked with online student app, an android app platform from where parents can check graphical performance, attendance, home work, school notices, soft copy of report cards related to their ward.

Key Features of Software

  • Online result: School result is available in internet, Guardians and Students can see his/her results in internet by giving his/her roll number same as board result
  • T.C. Printing : School can generate and print TC as per CBSE Format.
  • I.D. Card Preparation : I.D. cards for all students can be generated with a single click.
  • SMS and eMailing Facility : Sending SMS and Mail to students/guardians and teachers is possible. RESULT or any information can be received on mobile and Mail
  • Online and offline working : A web based platform for teachers to enter marks via laptop and smart phones from their home also. This platform is connected to desktop based software. So teachers can do online as well as offline working too.
  • No need of high computer skills : Very simple platform which can be operated by even a person with basic computer knowledge. You need not to spend time and energy on training your teachers about how to use software.
  • Reports in Excel format : Time to time CBSE ask school's to submit various reports, data and information related students. With the help of our Software you can download that important and relevant information in Microsoft Excel [.xls Format]. After doing minor modification, as per need, this information can be submitted to CBSE.
  • This is a customized software. According to your need we create any type of exam scheme from class Nursery to XII. Currently we prepared New CBSE examination scheme from Class 6 to 8 and Class 9. For class Nursery to 5 we will customized scheme as per your requirement.
  • Result analysis required by Principal, Administrators or higher officials at time to time. Say how many students have secured between 80-90% marks in Hindi, English or Mathematics subject in PT1, PT2, PT3 for class 9 or Halfy Yearly or Yearly Exams for class 6 to 8. This type of analysis for all subjects can be done on single mouse click. It saves lots of time and energy of the staffs teachers.
  • No need to add record one by one, just upload excel that maintain by you for students' particular

Assistant and Demo of Report Card Software

  • For assistant and demo of our software download below remote software Click below -->
  • For Id and Passwaord fill below form and give us suitable time whenever you online, so our executive contact you and assist you.


Thank you for your interest in our Softwares and Solutions. For Proposal of Softwares and Solutions please fill out this form

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