Modules of Our Software

Modules Covered by CBSE Academic & Report Card Software

  • Manage Student Profile (Add, Edit, Delete, Print, Excel List)
  • Add Multiple Students Record via Excel
  • Update all Students Acadmic Photos with Single Mouse Click
  • Manage All Students House (Add, Edit, Delete)
  • Manage All Students Academic Roll No
  • Manage Sibling Students Record (Add, Edit, Delete, Print)
  • Manage Students Disease, Activites and Foods (Add, Edit, Delete, Print)
  • Manage "Transfer Certificate (T.C.)" and Print T.C. in CBSE Format
  • Manage "Name Stuck Off (N.S.O.)"
  • Manage "Character Certificate" (Add, Edit, Delete, Print)
  • Manage "Bonafied Certificate" (Add, Edit, Delete, Print)
  • Manage "Caution Money Refund Slip" (Add, Edit, Delete, Print)
  • Manage "Student Promotion"
  • Search Student Record
  • Download Various Reports : -
    (a) New Student Admission List
    (b) Academic Year Wise Student Enrollment Overview (General, SC, ST, OBC, Girls and Boys wise)
    (c) Exam Marks List Print Format
    (d) All Student Academic Year wise Complate Details
    (e) All Girls Details
    (f) Student Disease List
    (g) Admission Form Confirmation Latter
    (h) Class10 & 12 Students CBSE Registration Detail Check Latter
    & More .........

  • Manage Staff Profile (Add, Edit, Delete, Print, Excel List)
  • Add Multiple Staff Record via Excel
  • Update all Staff Photos with Single Mouse Click
  • Assign the Classes to Class Teacher for Login Rights
  • Assign the Class wise Subects to Teacher for Login Rights

  • Manage Scholastic Area Marks (PA1, PA2, Half Yearly, Yearly Exam wise Marks Add, Edit)
  • Manage Co-Scholastic Area Marks and Grade
  • Manage Student Attendance to print in Report Card and T.C.
  • Manage Student Health Status (If available in Exam Scheme)
  • Manage Student General Remarks (If available in Exam Scheme)
  • Update the marks with direct software "Enter Marks" button or download the excel format
  • Print "Exam Admission Latter" of Students
  • Manage the Fail Students Re-exam Marks and Reports
For understand it : See the Teacher Marks Entry Video

  • With one Mouse Click Print Exam & Term Wise All Students Reports for PTM
  • With one Mouse Click Print "Final Report Cards" of Class wise All Students
  • Exam & Term Wise Reports for Students Result Comparison ( Percentage %, Rank, Graph, Pass, Fail and Supplementry )
  • Subject Wise Reports for Students Result for Teacher Performance
  • For Class-10, Co-Scholastic data for CBSE submission
  • Consolidated Reports and Graph
  • Result Register

  • Manage Books Category, Author, Publisger, Racks, Shelf, Fine Charges (Add, Edit, Delete, Print)
  • Multiple Book Records Add Via Excel
  • Add Book Issue Records
  • Manage Book Issue & Return List
  • For Library Automation Print QR Code Lable for Book Pasting
  • Auto SMS Facility at a time of Book Issue & Return

  • Manage Login of Teachers and Staffs (Add, Edit, Delete)
  • Assign Rights to Teachers and Staffs

  • Manage Academic Year Section in Class (Add, Edit, Delete)
  • Manage Academic Year Holidays (Add, Edit, Delete)

  • Create Class wise Test
  • After the Test Update the marks of Test
  • Option to Send the SMS of Class Test Marks

  • Send SMS to Students of Whole Class or Selcted Students of Class
    (Note : You need to purchase the SMS packages before use this)
  • Send SMS to Staff
    (Note : You need to purchase the SMS packages before use this)

  • Add the Registration Recod of New Students
  • Print the Receipt of Registration Fee and Form Fee
  • Option to send automatic SMS after the Registration Confirm
  • Manage the All Registration Student List (Edit, Delete)
  • Manage the "Provisional Admission" of Already Regdtered Students
  • Confirm the "Final Admission" of Already Regdtered Students

  • Add any types of Fee e.g. : Duplicate T.C. Fee, Certificate Fee, Duplicate Report Card Issue Fee etc.
  • Print the Receipt of Miscellaneous Fee

  • Add the Records Visitors
  • Print the Date wise Visitors List

If you want Attendance Automation System then you can use this Management. For this You will need the I.D. card printed by us.

  • Scan the ID card Student and Staff Attendance Automatic save
  • After the Attendance send the SMS to parents about Absent Student, Present Student or Both) (Note: SMS package cost will be extra)
  • You can take both School In and Out attendance of Students and Staffs
  • Monthly Attendance Report of "Students" with Present, Absent, Half Day, Leave, Holiday
  • Monthly Attendance Report of "Staff" with Present, Absent, Half Day, Leave, Holiday

If you want School own Digital Diary Android App then App's following features will automatic update :

  • Students all Academic Data will automatic update
  • Students Exam wise Complete Marks Report will automatic update
  • Students Subject wise and Overall Graphical Performance will automatic update
  • Students Attendance will automatic update (If you choose the attendance option)
  • Student Class Test Marks will automatic update
  • Holiday List will automatic update

Modules Covered by Fee Management Software

  • Manage Academic Year wise "Fee Structure" (Add, Edit, Delete, Print, Excel Format)
  • Manage Academic Year wise "Fee Collection" List (Add, Edit, Delete, Print, Excel Format)
  • Print Fee Receipt (School Copy & Parents Copy)
  • Download Date wise Fee Report
  • Option to Send "SMS to Parents" after the fee Deposit
  • Option to Send "Email to Parents" after the fee Deposit
  • Create Fee Challan
  • Class wise Overall Fee View Report (i.e. Total fee, Deposited Fee, Remaining Fee, Discount Fee, Late Fee Charges etc.)
  • Option to Discount Fee of Selected Students or RTE Students (with Add, Edit, Delete, Print)
  • If Fee Received by Cheque/Online Mode then List of these receipt
  • Deleted Fee Reports (Print, Excel Format)

  • Manage Academic Year wise "Bus List" (Add, Edit, Delete, Print, Excel Format)
  • Manage Academic Year wise "Route List" (Add, Edit, Delete, Print, Excel Format)
  • Manage Academic Year wise "Bus Stoppage List" with Fee Amount (Add, Edit, Delete, Print, Excel Format)
  • Manage Academic Year wise "Selected Student Bus Fee Mapping" List (Add, Edit, Delete, Print, Excel Format)
  • Option to All Student Fee Add via Excel
  • Export Bus Fee Dues Excel Report
  • Option to Send "SMS to Parents" after the fee Deposit
  • Option to Send "Email to Parents" after the fee Deposit
  • Create Bus Fee Challan
  • Print Bus Fee Receipt (School Copy & Parents Copy)
  • If Bus Fee Received by Cheque/Online Mode then List of these receipt
  • Deleted Bus Fee Reports (Print, Excel Format)

  • Manage Academic Year wise "Selected Student Hostel Fee Mapping" List (Add, Edit, Delete, Print, Excel Format)
  • Option to All Student Hostel Fee Add via Excel
  • Export Hostel Fee Dues Excel Report
  • Option to Send "SMS to Parents" after the fee Deposit
  • Option to Send "Email to Parents" after the fee Deposit
  • Create Hostel Fee Challan
  • Print Hostel Fee Receipt (School Copy & Parents Copy)
  • If Hostel Fee Received by Cheque/Online Mode then List of these receipt
  • Deleted Hostel Fee Reports (Print, Excel Format)

If you want to create any other type of Additional Fee then you can create

  • Manage Academic Year wise "Selected Student Additional Fee Mapping" List (Add, Edit, Delete, Print, Excel Format)
  • Option to All Student Additional Fee Add via Excel
  • Export Additional Fee Dues Excel Report
  • Option to Send "SMS to Parents" after the fee Deposit
  • Create Additional Fee Challan
  • Print Additional Fee Receipt (School Copy & Parents Copy)
  • If Additional Fee Received by Cheque/Online Mode then List of these receipt
  • Deleted Additional Fee Reports (Print, Excel Format)

In Fixed Fee Module, create the School, Bus, Hostel and other types of Fees that is not month-wise categorised. If Your School situated in Rural area where parents can not pay monthy fees according to Fee Structure then you can apply Fixed Fee. Here just add the Total Yearly Fee e.g. Rs 12,000 and Parents want to deposit fees in 4 installments in year then you can easily manage the Fees.

  • Manage Academic Year wise "School Fixed Fee Structure" (Add, Edit, Delete, Print, Excel Format)
  • Manage Academic Year wise "Bus Fixed Fee Structure" (Add, Edit, Delete, Print, Excel Format)
  • Manage Academic Year wise "Hostel Fixed Fee Structure" (Add, Edit, Delete, Print, Excel Format)
  • Manage Academic Year wise "Fixed Fee Collection" List (Add, Edit, Delete, Print, Excel Format)
  • Print Fixed Fee Receipt (School Copy & Parents Copy)
  • Download Date wise Fixed Fee Report
  • Option to Send "SMS to Parents" after the fee Deposit
  • Create Fixed Fee Challan
  • Class wise Overall Fixed Fee View Report (i.e. Total fee, Deposited Fee, Remaining Fee, Discount Fee, Late Fee Charges etc.)
  • Option to Discount Fixed Fee of Selected Students (with Add, Edit, Delete, Print)
  • If Fixed Fee Received by Cheque/Online Mode then List of these receipt
  • Deleted Fixed Fee Reports (Print, Excel Format)

  • Fee wise Report of Student whoses School, Bus, Hostel Fees is Due
  • Combanied Due Fee Report of Student whoses School, Bus, Hostel Fees is Due
  • Option to "Send SMS" to Parents regarding Due Fees
  • Option to "Send E-mail" to Parents regarding Due Fees
  • Export Due Fees Report in Excel

  • Manage Accounts i.e. Bank Account, Cash Account (Add, Edit, Delete, Print)
  • Manage Income/Expenditure head list (Add, Edit, Delete, Print)
  • Create, Print, Manage Income and Expenditure Vouchers (Add, Edit, Delete, Print)
  • For Cash Fees Collection Amount, Create the Transaction Entries
  • Ledger of All Accounts (Add, Edit, Delete, Print, Excel Export)

  • Manage the Staff List for Payroll (Add, Edit, Delete, Print)
  • Manage the Staff wise Basic Salary, Grade Pay, TDS, EPF, PF, Absent Days, Loan etc.
  • In one click Create Staff's Salary
  • Generate Bank latter for Salary credit to Staff's Account

  • Manage the User wise Login Rights (Add, Edit, Delete)

  • Receive Fee from Online via Payment Gateway
  • Parents Can deposit fee through various option i.e. Debit Card, Credit Card, UPI, IMPS, Net Banking, Wallet
  • Transcation Charges is nil, below Rs 2000 fee deposit via Debit Card
  • On other option there are very low transcation charges will be paid by Parents
  • Fee automatically will save in Software

Feature of School Own Android Mobile App

  • 1. Administrator & Principal
  • 2. Teacher
  • 3. Parents
  • 4. Students

  • Administrator can assign Some of App Features manage rights to Staff

  • Administrator or Principal can give the Message/Notice to All Students or Selected Student
  • Administrator or Principal can give the Message/Notice to Staff
  • In Message/Notice, use the Image, PDF and Word File as a attachment
  • The Message/Notice can be Edit and Delete
  • After the Message/Notice, App User (Parents and Staff) will receive the Notification with School Image & Sound on their mobile

  • Subject Teacher can give the Message/Notice to All Students or Selected Student of Class to whom he/she teach
  • In Message/Notice, use the Image, PDF and Word File as a attachment
  • After the Message/Notice, Parents will receive the Notification with School Image & Sound on their mobile
  • All the teachers Message/Notice can be checked by administrator

  • Class Teacher can give the Message/Notice to All Students or Selected Student of his/her Class
  • In Message/Notice, use the Image, PDF and Word File as a attachment
  • After the Message/Notice, Parents will receive the Notification with School Image & Sound on their mobile
  • All the teachers Message/Notice can be checked by administrator

  • Teacher can give the Class and Subject wise Homework to Students in Current Date
  • For give Homework, Teacher can use Text Typing or Speech to Text option or Homework Diary
  • Parents will receive the Notification of Homework with School Image & Sound on their mobile
  • School Administrator or Principal can check the all teachers given Homework

  • Administrator or Staff to whom rights assign can Add Exam time Table Image or Word/PDF Attachment

  • Parents can give the Leave Application of their Chid
  • Parents submitted applications will be visible to Class Teacher and Principal for Aprove or Reject
  • Staff can submit the Leave Application to Principal

  • From School side, parents will receive Birth Day wishes of their child via automatic notification
  • From Principal side, App automatically will give Birthday Wishes to Students and Staff
  • Students can also give the birthday wishes to their parents and teacher

If School implement our Fee Software then this feature will enable in App

  • All Fees, Deposited Fee amount and Remaining Fee amount summary will be display
  • Parents can check the pending & due fees (f any) details
  • Parents can direct pay the fees via online payment gateway
  • Parents can also check all deposited fees
  • App automatically send the due fees notification to parents

If School implement our Academic and Report Card Software then this feature will enable in App

  • Students can check the Exam and Term wise result
  • Parents can check the Exam and Term wise result of their child

If School implement our Academic and Report Card Software then this feature will enable in App

  • Students can check their Exam and Term wise result
  • Parents can check the Exam and Term wise result of their child

If School implement our Academic and Report Card Software then this feature will enable in App

  • Students can check their Exam wise and Subject wise Graphical Performance
  • Parents can check the Exam wise and Subject wise Graphical Performance of their child
  • Parents can also check the Graphical Performance of their child's Previous Class
  • To compare the Graphical Performance, Parents can easily judge that in which subject their child is week. Due to this they can do more attention to their child

If School implement our Academic and Report Card Software then this feature will enable in App

  • Students can check complete result report of previous classes
  • Parents can check complete result report of previous classes of their child

If School implement our Academic and Report Card Software then this feature will automatically update in App

  • Parents and Students can check the Subject wise Class Test reports

If School implement our Academic and Report Card Software then this feature will automatically update in App

  • Parents and Students can check the Holiday list of Academic Year

If School implement our Automatic Attendance System then this feature will automatically update in App.
If there are no Automatic Attendance System install then Class teacher can do the Attendance Work.

  • Parents can check the daily and Month wise Attendance of their child

  • Parents can interact with the teacher about to know the performance, activity of their child

  • Administrator or Staff to whom rights assign can Add the Functions and Activity YouTube Video in App
  • School can also update the any type of Educational YouTube Videos
  • Videos will be visible to All users of App ( Administrator, Teacher, Parents, Students)

  • Administrator or Staff to whom rights assign can Add the Functions and Activity Photo in App
  • Photo will be visible to All users of App ( Administrator, Teacher, Parents, Students)

  • Administrator or Staff to whom rights assign can Add the Forms or any Documents format in PDF/Word format
  • Parents & Students can download the Forms or any Documents from here

This Report is useful for Kindergarten Students

  • Staff to whom rights assign can Add the Diet Report which include information that Which type of food give in tiffin and Student eat his/her tiffin or not.
  • Parents can check the diet reports of their child and ensure the tiffin food.

  • Class Teacher or Staff to whom rights assign can Add the Copy Check reports
  • Parents can check that their child do the homework or not

  • Staff to whom rights assign can Add the Class and Section wise BEST STUDENTS
  • Students can check that who is best performer of their class

  • Class Teacher and Staff to whom rights assign can Add the date wise details of students who do missbehave in the class or break the rules
  • Only that parents can see this report whoses child record will add in it.


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